Our New Danish Teak Wall Unit
We are SO fortunate to have the most amazing friends! (That is an understatement and we really mean it). Over the years living in our Eichler home, we have have had a number of very generous friends simply “gift” us with vintage mid-century pieces they no longer needed or had room for. From a set of Danish style seating, to a dresser, to chinoiserie lamps, each piece has been given to us by different folks saying essentially the same thing: they know that the pieces will be well-loved and given an extended life in our home.
Well, these friends are 110% right (and so nice!) Their gifted pieces bring us so much joy AND we are so happy to give them a second (or third) life.
So here we are, recently “gifted” another special vintage item (shoutout to K & S for their generosity!) that we have always coveted: a Danish teak wall unit shelving system (that seems really similar to the original Poul Cadovius designed Royal Systems found online, but this one doesn’t have any markings, except it is made in Denmark).
A few weeks ago, we finally got around to installing it, even though it sat in this room for nearly the entire summer. It took a Sunday afternoon and evening, but we were able to piece together all the shelves and metal brackets to fit the Wall Unit along our walnut-paneled wall.
Why did we wait so long to put it together?! IT. IS. AMAZING.
We did some rearranging to accommodate the new wall unit and it has it really transformed the space. Not to mention it has given me something fun to do, which is to obsessively re-style the shelves on the daily.
Our Danish Credenza found a new spot along the Eichler Siding Wall. This gave me a chance to re-arranged this area a bit too, simplifying the gallery wall.
Some of my thrifted/vintage finds and our Palm Springs Artwork along the Siding wall.
Now the kids have a place for their computer homework/YouTube viewing (in full view of Mom and Dad in the adjacent kitchen, which is key). We have a home for all the “chotchkies” that John doesn’t especially care for and (and I collect and cherish), which can be swapped out and re-styled on a whim.
My SIL’s awesome pottery and my favorite tumbler.
One our favorite parts of the design is the angled shelf, where our MCM Coffee table books can have a proper display.
The detailed craftsmanship of the shelves and brackets are so meticulously designed.
My first SLR camera, my Dad’s Minolta XD11.
Thanks for checking out our updated space (if you bothered to read this far, thank you!) And what you see on the shelves now will probably have changed already by the time this is published…